Network Cybersecurity

Discover 7 Power Advantages of Using FortiGuard DNS Servers

Following these steps will configure your FortiGate NGFW to use FortiGuard DNS servers for DNS lookups. FortiGuard DNS servers offer secure lookup from FortiGate NGFW to FortiGuard Secure DNS servers, which can block connections at both DNS and connection level, providing the best and complete protection for clients. It is important to note that if one or both DNS servers are not using the default FortiGuard server, upgrading will retain the existing DNS servers and DNS protocol configuration.

1Log in to your FortiGate NGFW.
2Go to Network > DNS Servers.
3Click “Create New” in the DNS Database table.
4Set the Type to Master and the View to Shadow.
5Enter a DNS Zone, for example, WebServer.
6Click “OK” to save your changes.
7Go to Network > DNS.
8For DNS servers, select “Use FortiGuard Servers”.
9The Primary DNS server is and the Secondary DNS server is
10Click “OK” to save your changes.

Introduction to FortiGuard DNS Servers

What are FortiGuard DNS Servers?

Meet the FortiGuard DNS servers, an integral part of Fortinet’s security infrastructure that plays a crucial role in ensuring safe and smooth internet navigation.

These servers, a proud creation of Fortinet, work tirelessly within your FortiGate appliances, offering a secure DNS service that makes your web browsing experience both secure and seamless. It’s like having a highly intelligent guide in the vast world of the internet, steering you clear of malicious areas while helping you reach your destination, the desired website, without any hiccups.

Now, let’s delve deeper to understand how these servers function and why they are a vital cog in the internet machine.

How do FortiGuard DNS Servers Work?

FortiGuard DNS servers operate at the very heart of your network’s security infrastructure. Essentially, when you enter a domain name (like a website’s address) into your browser, a DNS query is made to the primary DNS server. This server takes the responsibility to convert the domain name into an IP address, which is the actual address of the website in the virtual space.

Here’s a small table to break down the process step by step:

1You input a domain name (e.g., in your browser
2A DNS query is initiated to find the corresponding IP address
3The primary DNS server receives the query and initiates a lookup in its database
4If found, it returns the IP address, if not it forwards the query to the secondary DNS server
5You are directed to the website through a secure DNS pathway, avoiding any malicious redirects

Remember, these servers are configurable through a config system in FortiOS, allowing for customized settings to enhance network security. Now, one might wonder about the fuss around these servers. Let’s find out in the next section.

Why are FortiGuard DNS Servers Important?

These servers are not just an intricate network of protocols and IP addresses working in the background. They are the guardians (no pun intended!) of the internet galaxy, ensuring that the data traffic is well-managed, secure, and efficient.

You see, in the complex web of the internet, malicious activity is not uncommon. Here’s where the FortiGuard DNS filtering service shines, highlighting unusual DNS behavior to boost network protection and improve the detection of malicious activity. Essentially, they act as a fortress, preventing your DNS from being taken over and abused by malicious entities.

Moreover, these servers help in fortifying your FortiGate infrastructure, thereby forming a robust line of defense against malware and other cyber threats. By scrutinizing DNS traffic and preventing DNS leaks, they ensure that your online voyage is safe and sound, without falling prey to potential dangers lurking in the internet’s dark corners.

By adopting a meticulous approach, these servers also help pinpoint the staging areas compromised devices connect to, stopping both infiltration and exfiltration attempts. This not only guarantees a secure browsing experience but also a smooth and efficient one, free of unnecessary delays and retries.

Discover 7 Power Advantages of Using FortiGuard DNS Servers - Configuring FortiGuard DNS Servers
Discover 7 Power Advantages of Using FortiGuard DNS Servers – Configuring FortiGuard DNS Servers

Configuring FortiGuard DNS Servers

How to Configure FortiGuard DNS Servers

Setting up your FortiGuard DNS servers correctly is critical in safeguarding your network from malicious activity and compromised systems. Here, I will guide you through the configuration process, making use of specific commands and settings to ensure a smooth operation.

First things first, initiate your configuration with the config system dns-server edit command. Next, it’s time to set the primary and secondary DNS server IP addresses using the config system dns set primary and set secondary commands respectively. This step helps in directing DNS lookups to the correct servers.

In the configuration process, specifying the DNS server IP address is vital. Use the set ip and set domain commands to define the specific IP addresses and domain details. To enable enhanced security, it is prudent to employ dns over tls which encrypts DNS queries, preventing eavesdropping and ensuring that your DNS queries remain confidential.

During the setup, it’s also important to set your hostname with the set hostname command, which helps in identifying your server by a unique name instead of a numeric IP address. Don’t forget to enable certain functions using the enable set command to activate necessary features and the disable set to turn off unnecessary ones.

In your journey to setting up the FortiGuard DNS servers, remember to specify certain parameters such as source-ip, ip6-primary, and ip6-secondary to fine-tune the settings to your network’s requirements. Ensure that you set the timeout settings appropriately with the set timeout command to define how long the server should wait for a response to requests.

Note: While setting up the system, make sure you’re running on version 7.0.4 to enjoy optimal performance and security features.

config system dns-server editInitiates the DNS server configuration process
config system dns set primarySets the primary DNS server
set secondarySets the secondary DNS server
dns over tlsEnables DNS query encryption
set hostnameSets the hostname of the server
set timeoutSets the response timeout for the server

Make sure to end the configuration process with the next end command to save and implement the changes.

Troubleshooting Common Issues When Configuring FortiGuard DNS Servers

In this part, I’ll guide you through troubleshooting some common issues that you might encounter while configuring the FortiGuard DNS servers. It’s not uncommon to run into a few hiccups, but with the right knowledge, you can easily get past them.

  • Unreachable Servers: At times, the servers might not be reachable. Checking the physical connections and ensuring that the correct port or protocol settings are in place can help resolve this issue.
  • DNS Lookup Failures: DNS lookups might fail due to a variety of reasons. Analyzing the system dns config system dns logs can provide insights into the problem. You might find that recursive lookups are causing the issue, in which case adjusting settings related to recursive queries could solve it.
  • Cache Issues: Sometimes, the issue lies within the cache. Utilize the dns-cache-ttl and cache-notfound-responses commands to manage cache settings effectively.
  • SSL Certificate Errors: In cases where you are using encrypted connections, SSL certificate errors might occur. Address this by checking and updating the ssl-certificate setting in the configuration.
IssueTroubleshooting CommandDescription
Unreachable ServersCheck port or protocol settingsEnsures that the servers can communicate through the appropriate ports and protocols.
DNS Lookup Failuressystem dns config system dnsProvides insights into DNS lookup failures, possibly suggesting adjustments to recursive settings.
Cache Issuesdns-cache-ttl, cache-notfound-responsesHelps in managing cache settings and resolving cache-related issues.
SSL Certificate Errorsssl-certificateAssists in addressing SSL certificate errors by checking and updating the relevant settings in the configuration

Remember, utilizing FortiGuard DNS filtering service highlights unusual DNS behavior, helping in identifying potential issues before they escalate.

Best Practices for Configuring FortiGuard DNS Servers

Now that we’ve covered the how-to and troubleshooting, let’s chat about the best practices to keep in mind while working with FortiGuard DNS servers. Following these guidelines will ensure a secure and efficient operation.

  • Security: Utilize the FortiGuard DNS filtering service that prevents your DNS from being exploited. The filtering service highlights unusual DNS behavior and also prevents callbacks to malicious sites. It’s crucial to implement DNS filtering service which prevents your DNS from being a medium of malicious activity.
  • Efficiency: Ensure to set the DNS cache limit appropriately using the set dns-cache-limit command to avoid overloading the server with too much data.
  • Encryption: Always opt to encrypt DNS queries using protocols like DOH to protect against eavesdropping and maintain confidentiality. This can be done using the set protocol command.
  • Response Time: Keep an eye on the response time by setting an appropriate timeout value with the set timeout command to ensure quick responses to DNS queries.
  • Version Control: Make sure to update your system to the latest version (like 7.0.4) to benefit from the latest security and performance features.
  • Monitoring and Maintenance: Regularly monitor the server’s performance and carry out necessary maintenance tasks to ensure smooth operation. This can be facilitated through commands like config dns-entry edit 1 set.
Best PracticeRelevant CommandDescription
SecurityDNS filtering service commandsHelps in securing your DNS servers against malicious activities and callbacks
Efficiencyset dns-cache-limitAssists in maintaining the server’s efficiency by managing the DNS cache effectively
Encryptionset protocolFacilitates encryption of DNS queries to ensure data confidentiality
Response Timeset timeoutHelps in managing the response time for DNS queries to enhance performance
Version ControlEnsure system is updated to version 7.0.4Ensures access to the latest security and performance features
Monitoring and Maintenanceconfig dns-entry edit 1 setAids in monitoring and maintaining the server for optimal performance

By following these best practices, you are well on your way to configuring a secure and efficient DNS server setup.

And that’s a wrap! I hope this guide has been helpful in your journey to configuring FortiGuard DNS servers. Remember, it’s all about taking it step by step. Happy configuring!

FortiGuard DNS Server Security

How FortiGuard DNS Servers Protect Against Security Threats

You see, when you are browsing the internet, sending an email, or gaming online, DNS servers play a crucial role in translating human-readable domain names, such as, to IP addresses, a necessary process to reach the right destination on the internet. Now, imagine having a vigilant security guard, that’s what FortiGuard servers are doing in the cyber world. Here, I’ll explain how it works.

First things first, let’s understand a vital command used in this domain: dns config system dns set. This command is essentially a directive given to set or modify DNS server settings, ensuring that they adhere to specific security protocols and configurations.

The FortiGuard DNS filtering service prevents your system from accessing malicious websites by blocking requests to dangerous or inappropriate domains. This filtering service operates using an intelligent system known as IPS (Intrusion Prevention System), which continuously monitors and analyzes the data traffic for any suspicious activity.

Moreover, the system utilizes a unique feature known as forwarder, which acts as an intermediary, forwarding your DNS queries to another server, but with an additional layer of security screening. This process also includes the identification and validation of Fully Qualified Domain Names (FQDN), ensuring that the requested domain is safe and legitimate before granting access.

To help you visualize this, consider a scenario where you’re about to enter a high-security area, and the forwarder is your security personnel, checking and double-checking every detail before letting you in.

But wait, there’s more! To further enhance security, a command config system dns-database edit can be employed. This command allows for the modification of DNS database settings, providing an opportunity to customize and tighten security configurations according to your needs.

FQDNVerifies the legitimacy of domain names
ForwarderActs as a secure intermediary for DNS queries
IPSMonitors and analyses data traffic for suspicious activities

Alright, moving on!

What are the Risks of Using FortiGuard DNS Servers?

While FortiGuard DNS servers are a robust line of defense, they are not without their shortcomings. One potential risk is the possibility of sending sensitive information in cleartext, a format that is not encrypted, making it vulnerable to interception by malicious actors.

Additionally, while the servers are designed to be authoritative, meaning they hold the final say in DNS responses, an inadvertent command such as set authoritative disable can potentially lessen the security, making the system susceptible to DNS spoofing or other attacks. This could be likened to accidentally leaving the back door unlocked in a secure facility.

And let’s not overlook the fact that, like any technology, it’s not immune to errors or glitches. Sometimes, the system might flag safe websites wrongly, a phenomenon often known as false positives, which might disrupt the smooth internet experience.

Discover 7 Power Advantages of Using FortiGuard DNS Servers - Alternatives to Using FortiGuard DNS Servers
Discover 7 Power Advantages of Using FortiGuard DNS Servers – Alternatives to Using FortiGuard DNS Servers

Alternatives to Using FortiGuard DNS Servers

Alright, before wrapping up, it’s essential to know that FortiGuard DNS servers are not the only players in the game. Sometimes, depending on various factors including personal preference and specific needs, you might consider other options.

One such alternative is setting up a proxy, a kind of middleman, which can filter and monitor the traffic between your network and the internet, adding an extra layer of security and privacy.

Moreover, you might also explore other renowned DNS services which offer similar, if not better, functionalities and security features.

Remember, the goal is to find a service that aligns with your security requirements and ensures a safe and seamless browsing experience. It’s like choosing the best route for a road trip, sometimes taking a different path might offer a more scenic or smoother ride!

I hope this guide was informative and helped you understand the dynamics of FortiGuard DNS server security better. Stay safe and happy browsing!

FortiGuard DNS Server Filtering

How FortiGuard DNS Servers Filter Web Content

To start with, you may be wondering what a DNS server is. Think of it as the internet’s phone book, helping your computer find the IP addresses associated with the websites you want to visit. Now, FortiGuard takes this a step further by integrating a filtering service into this DNS mechanism. This filtering service prevents your DNS queries from resolving if the requested website contains potentially harmful or inappropriate content. It is a proactive measure to ensure safe and secure internet browsing.

The mechanism is fairly intelligent and utilizes various algorithms to identify and block potentially harmful content. This happens in real time, which means the moment you try to access a website, FortiGuard is already working behind the scenes, checking the website against its vast database of classified websites.

You might imagine this process as a vigilant gatekeeper, scrutinizing every visitor (or in this case, website) before allowing entry to ensure the safety and harmony of the community (your network).

What Types of Content are Filtered by FortiGuard DNS Servers?

Now, you must be eager to know the categories of content that are kept at bay by this filtering system. FortiGuard primarily focuses on preventing access to:

  • 📛 Malicious Websites: Sites that are known to host malware, phishing scams, and other types of cyber threats.
  • 📛 Adult Content: Websites containing explicit material that is considered not safe for work or inappropriate for minors.
  • 📛 Illegal Activities: This encompasses sites promoting unlawful activities, including but not limited to drug trafficking and piracy.
  • 📛 Hate Speech and Violence: Content that propagates hate, discrimination, or violence towards any group of people is a strict no-no.

To make this information visually appealing and easy to grasp, let’s represent this in a table format:

Content CategoryDescription
Malicious WebsitesHost malware, phishing scams, etc.
Adult ContentNSFW material or inappropriate for minors
Illegal ActivitiesPromote unlawful activities like drug trafficking, piracy, etc.
Hate Speech and ViolencePropagate hate, discrimination, or violence

How to Bypass FortiGuard DNS Server Filtering

Alright, leaning in a bit closer now, are we? While it’s generally advised to adhere to the filtering rules set by FortiGuard for safe browsing, there may be instances where you feel a site is wrongly classified or blocked. In such cases, here’s a tiny guide to bypassing FortiGuard DNS server filtering, though remember, it’s essential to proceed with caution and responsibility:

  • VPN (Virtual Private Network): Utilizing a VPN can help mask your IP address and bypass DNS filters, allowing you to access blocked content.
  • Alternate DNS Servers: Switching to a different DNS server that doesn’t employ FortiGuard’s filtering service can be a workaround.
  • Proxy Servers: These act as intermediaries between your computer and the internet, potentially allowing access to blocked sites.

However, keep in mind that bypassing any filtering system should be done ethically and legally. It’s a powerful skill, but like any skill, it must be used wisely.

Advanced FortiGuard DNS Server Settings

What are the advanced FortiGuard DNS server settings?

First and foremost, I’m thrilled to introduce you to the fascinating world of FortiGuard DNS server settings. But before we jump in, let’s break down what DNS is. DNS, or Domain Name System, is somewhat like the phonebook of the internet. It translates user-friendly domain names, such as “”, into IP addresses that computers understand. Now, when it comes to configuring the settings on a FortiGuard DNS server, it’s all about optimizing this process to make your internet experience smoother and more secure.

The advanced settings in a FortiGuard DNS server allow you to customize several features to enhance the security and performance of your network. Now, without further ado, let’s delve into some of the fundamental aspects that constitute these advanced settings:

  • DNS Filtering – This helps in blocking access to harmful websites, thus keeping your network secure.
  • DNSSEC – A security extension that adds an extra layer of security by verifying the responses to DNS queries.
  • Rate Limiting – This helps in preventing DNS DDoS attacks by limiting the number of requests from a single IP in a set period.
  • Recursion – It is a process where the DNS server queries other DNS servers to get the IP address of a domain name.

Now, how do these features translate into real-life scenarios? Imagine you’re organizing a large event and have to manage the guest list meticulously. DNS filtering would be akin to ensuring that only the invited guests (safe websites) get through, while DNSSEC verifies the identity of these guests, ensuring no one is impersonating someone they are not.

How can you customize your FortiGuard DNS server settings?

Alright, now that we’ve got a handle on what advanced FortiGuard DNS server settings are, let’s move on to the fun part: customization! It’s like tailoring a suit; you want it to fit you perfectly, catering to your individual needs and preferences. Here’s how you can go about it:

  • Accessing the DNS Settings First, log in to the FortiGuard DNS server’s administrative interface. It’s where you’ll find all the tools to tweak and customize your settings.
  • Setting Up DNS Filtering To set up DNS filtering, navigate to the DNS filtering options and select the categories of websites you want to block. It’s a proactive step to ensure a secure browsing environment, much like installing a security system at home to prevent break-ins.
  • Implementing DNSSEC Activating DNSSEC is akin to hiring a top-notch security team to authenticate the credentials of every guest at your event. Navigate to the DNSSEC settings and follow the on-screen instructions to set it up.
  • Configuring Rate Limiting and Recursion The final step involves configuring the rate limiting and recursion settings to prevent DDoS attacks and facilitate smooth DNS queries, respectively. It’s like setting up traffic management systems to prevent congestion and ensure smooth flow.

Tips and tricks for optimizing your FortiGuard DNS server settings

I’ve got some exciting tips and tricks up my sleeve to help you optimize your FortiGuard DNS server settings further. Think of this as the secret sauce that brings the whole meal together!

  • Keep Software Up-to-Date Regularly update your DNS server software to benefit from the latest features and security enhancements. It’s akin to continuously upgrading your smartphone for a better user experience.
  • Monitor Server Performance Keep an eye on the server performance to identify any potential issues before they escalate. It’s like having a health check-up to prevent potential problems.
  • Utilize DNS Analytics Utilize DNS analytics to monitor traffic patterns and identify any unusual activity. It’s similar to reviewing your monthly budget to identify spending patterns and make necessary adjustments.
  • Seek Community Advice Don’t hesitate to seek advice from the FortiGuard community for tips and best practices. Think of it as joining a hobby club where members share insights and experiences to help each other improve.

I hope this guide helps you navigate the intricate world of FortiGuard DNS server settings with ease and confidence. Remember, it’s all about making your internet experience safer and more efficient, one step at a time.

Richard, a seasoned network professional with a passion for online education, is committed to breaking down the complex principles of networking and cybersecurity. His goal is to make these subjects digestible for a wide-ranging audience.

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