IAM Cybersecurity

Ultimate Crack Map Exec Guide 2023!

 Detailed and comprehensive table for the “CrackMapExec” (CME) tool:

PurposeCME is a post-exploitation tool designed to automate the assessment of security in large Active Directory networks.
FunctionalityIt is a versatile tool used for various tasks such as password/hashing spraying, post-exploitation modules, credentials and secrets gathering, and resource mapping and enumeration.
RCE MethodsThe tool provides various methods for remote command execution (RCE) on Windows machines from Linux, including wmiexec, atexec, smbexec, mmcexec, and winrm.
InstallationCME can be installed from source, using Docker, or managing dependencies with Poetry.
Usage and CommandsIt offers syntax and basic usage, credential management, running modules, accessing sessions, and obtaining shells.
Advanced FeaturesCME includes advanced features such as customizing modules, exploiting Active Directory, and integrating with other tools and frameworks.
Community and ResourcesUsers can access community support, additional resources, updates, best practices, and tips related to CME.

This table provides a comprehensive overview of the CrackMapExec tool, including its purpose, functionality, RCE methods, installation, usage and commands, advanced features, and community resources.

Introduction to CrackMapExec

Overview of CrackMapExec (CME)

CrackMapExec, often abbreviated as CME, stands out as the swiss army knife for penetration testing and cyber security enthusiasts. Fundamentally, it’s a versatile tool designed for pentesting networks, especially those with a large active directory. At its core, CrackMapExec SMB (CME SMB) leverages the SMB (Server Message Block) protocol, a network file sharing protocol used extensively in Windows networks. This tool enables cybersecurity professionals to perform a wide range of tasks from enumeration, lateral movement, to executing commands and exploiting vulnerabilities within network environments.

The beauty of CME lies in its multifunctionality. It can execute a variety of tasks, such as password spraying, obtaining user credentials, and executing payloads for post-exploitation activities. The tool is equipped to handle various commands like -u for specifying usernames, -p for passwords, and -h for help on its usage. It’s a go-to tool for those involved in ethical hacking, red teams, and security research, offering capabilities like mimikatz integration for credential dumping, and modules for lateral movement.

Purpose and Functionality of CME

The primary purpose of CrackMapExec is to facilitate penetration testing (pentesting) and security assessments of network environments. It serves as a post-exploitation tool, designed with stealth in mind, enabling users to navigate through a network, identify vulnerabilities, and execute targeted attacks or tests.

Key functionalities of CME include:

  • Password and Credential Management: CME is adept at handling password-related tasks. It allows users to input username and password combinations using -u and -p parameters. This feature is particularly useful for password spraying and brute-force attacks.
  • SMB Protocol Utilization: SMB is a cornerstone in CME’s operation. CrackMapExec SMB uses this protocol for various tasks such as network enumeration and gaining access to shares and files.
  • Command Execution: Users can execute commands remotely on target systems. This feature is crucial for testing the vulnerability of systems to various forms of cyberattacks.
  • Lateral Movement: CME excels in lateral movement within a network. It can move from one endpoint to another, exploiting vulnerabilities and extending the penetration testing scope.
Ultimate Crack Map Exec Guide 2023! - Use Cases and Target Environments for CME
Ultimate Crack Map Exec Guide 2023! – Use Cases and Target Environments for CME

Use Cases and Target Environments for CME

CrackMapExec is tailored for several key use cases in diverse environments:

  • Penetration Testing Networks: CME shines in testing the security of networks, especially those with built-in active directory services.
  • Large Active Directory Environments: These are ideal playgrounds for CME, where it can demonstrate its prowess in enumeration and lateral movement.
  • Credential Harvesting: In environments where obtaining credentials is crucial, CME can be used to inject Mimikatz or similar tools for credential dumping.

Development and Maintenance of CME

CrackMapExec was developed and is maintained by a dedicated community of cyber security experts, led by byt3bl33d3r. This tool is regularly updated to keep pace with the evolving landscape of network security. It’s a community-driven project, often recommended on platforms like Medium and featured in staff picks for security tools.

CME is available on platforms like Kali Linux, ensuring easy access and integration for users. The development community focuses on enhancing its capabilities and ensuring its relevance in the face of new security challenges.

Installation and Setup

Welcome to the world of cybersecurity, where the thrill of cracking digital puzzles meets practical know-how. Today, we’re diving into the installation and setup of CME (a.k.a CME), a versatile tool often referred to as the ‘swiss army knife for pentesting’. Whether you’re a budding cybersecurity enthusiast or a seasoned professional, this guide will walk you through each step with clarity and a bit of fun. Let’s get started!

Installing CME from Source

Step 1: Grab the Source Code

  • Where to find: Recommended from Medium and other trusted sources, you’ll find CME’s source code. It’s like getting a secret recipe for your favorite dish, only this one helps in ethical hacking!

Step 2: Compiling

  • Using Kali: If you’re using Kali, a popular choice for pentesters, compiling is straightforward. It’s like assembling a LEGO set – follow the instructions, and you’ll have CME ready in no time.

Step 3: Verify Installation

  • Test Run: Once installed, give CME a quick spin. Think of it as a test drive to ensure everything is running smoothly.

Using Docker for CME Installation

Why Docker? Docker provides a clean, isolated environment, like having a dedicated sandbox where you can play without affecting the rest of the beach.

Steps to Install CME using Docker

  • Docker Pull: Retrieve the CME Docker image.
  • Run Container: Launch the CME container. It’s like summoning a genie, but for hacking tools.
  • Verification: Ensure that CME runs correctly within the Docker environment.

Managing Dependencies with Poetry

Poetry is a tool that makes dependency management a breeze. It’s like having a personal assistant who keeps track of all the tools you need.

Key Steps:

  • Install Poetry: First things first, get Poetry on your system.
  • Define Dependencies: Tell Poetry what CME needs to perform its magic.
  • Install Dependencies: Let Poetry work its magic and install everything required.

Best Practices for CME Installation

  • Security First: Always download from trusted sources. It’s like ensuring you’re not getting a trojan horse when you’re actually looking for a noble steed.
  • Regular Updates: Keep CME updated. Staying current is like keeping your sword sharp in a knight’s arsenal.
  • Backup: Always have a backup. In the world of cybersecurity, it’s like having a safety net while walking a tightrope.

Troubleshooting Installation Issues

  • Error Logs: Like a detective, examine error logs for clues.
  • Community Forums: Engage with community forums. Sometimes, the answer lies in the collective wisdom of fellow users.
  • Reinstallation: When in doubt, reinstall. It’s the age-old turn it off and on again, but for software.

Ready to embark on this journey? Let’s turn the page and delve into the exciting world of CME, where each command you learn is a step towards mastering the art of ethical hacking. Stay tuned, stay curious!

Ultimate Crack Map Exec Guide 2023! - Basic Usage and Commands
Ultimate Crack Map Exec Guide 2023! – Basic Usage and Commands

Basic Usage and Commands

CrackMapExec (CME) is often likened to a “swiss army knife for pentesting,” a tool that helps ethical hackers and cybersecurity professionals test network security. Let’s dive into the basic usage and commands of CME, ensuring that even those new to this field can grasp its functionality and applications.

Syntax and Basic Usage of CME

The fundamental syntax of CME involves specifying the target network range or devices and then applying various modules or commands. For instance, you might use the following syntax:

crackmapexec -u administrator -p 'p@ssw0rd'

Here, specifies the network range. The -u and -p flags denote the username and password, respectively. Remember, knowing the password isn’t always necessary; CME can brute force passwords if needed.

Another example could involve a more specific target range, like:

crackmapexec -u admin -p 'p@ssw0rd'

Or targeting a domain:

crackmapexec ms.evilcorp.org -u admin -p 'p@ssw0rd'

These examples illustrate CME’s flexibility in targeting different network segments or specific domains.

Credential Management in CME

Credential management is a critical part of using CME. It involves using correct usernames and passwords (like -u administrator -p 'password') to authenticate against target systems. CME also allows for password policy checks and can even perform wdigest credential dumping (using the wdigest module) to obtain plaintext passwords from memory.


crackmapexec -u admin -p 'p@ssw0rd' -M wdigest

This command attempts to dump wdigest credentials from the specified network range.

Running Modules in CME

CME comes packed with various modules. For instance, the wmiexec and atexec modules allow command execution via WMI and the Windows Task Scheduler, respectively. Using these modules can be as simple as:

crackmapexec -u admin -p 'p@ssw0rd' -M wmiexec -o COMMAND='whoami'

Here, -M specifies the module, and -o sets module options, in this case, the command to execute.

Viewing and Using Module Options

Each module in CME has its own set of options. To view these, you can use the -o flag. For example, to see options for the wmiexec module:

crackmapexec -M wmiexec -o

You can also use the -o flag to set specific options for a module, such as setting a command to execute or defining a file to upload.

Accessing Sessions and Obtaining Shells

CME can establish sessions on remote systems, similar to how Metasploit’s Meterpreter works. For example, you can use the empire_exec module to execute a stager for the specified listener and execute Meterpreter sessions.

crackmapexec -u admin -p 'p@ssw0rd' -M empire_exec -o LISTENER=http

This command would execute an Empire stager on the target machines, potentially leading to Meterpreter sessions.

In summary, CME is a powerful tool used in penetration testing to assess network security. Its ability to manage credentials, run various modules, and obtain sessions on remote systems makes it a must-have in any security professional’s toolkit. Remember, the key to mastering CME, like any tool, lies in practice and experimentation. Happy pentesting!

Ultimate Crack Map Exec Guide 2023! - Advanced Features and Modules
Ultimate Crack Map Exec Guide 2023! – Advanced Features and Modules

Advanced Features and Modules

Exploring Advanced Features of CME

CrackMapExec (CME) is a versatile post-exploitation tool that serves as a Swiss Army knife for network penetration testers and cybersecurity professionals. When you’ve used this tool initially, you might be familiar with its basic functionalities. However, CME’s advanced features open up a whole new realm of possibilities.

One such feature is its ability to integrate with Metasploit, a widely-used penetration testing framework. For example, you can use Metasploit’s web_delivery module in conjunction with CME to execute payloads across your network. This feature allows for seamless interaction between the two tools, enhancing the capability to test network security.

Additionally, CME can be used to interact with MSSQL databases. For network administrators, this feature is invaluable for assessing the security of SQL servers within the network. Using CME’s MSSQL module, one can execute queries, dump databases, and even use the -m metinject option to inject Metasploit payloads directly into memory using the invoke-shellcode.ps1 script.

Customizing CME Modules

Customizing modules in CME is akin to tailoring a suit – it ensures a perfect fit for your specific network environment. CME’s flexibility lies in its modular architecture, which allows users to create custom modules or modify existing ones. This customization can be as simple as changing parameters like lhost or -p password to fit the specifics of your network.

For instance, you could write a custom module that targets a specific range of IP addresses, like or, ensuring that CME’s actions are precisely focused.

Moreover, creating a cheatsheet for your custom modules can be a great way to remember the specific commands and parameters that you frequently use, saving time and increasing productivity.

Exploiting Active Directory Features with CME

Active Directory (AD) is a critical component of many networks, and CME offers specialized tools for interacting with it. By exploiting AD features, you can perform tasks like privilege escalation or obtain sensitive information from a domain controller.

For example, using CME in a Capture the Flag (CTF) scenario, where you need to gain access to a domain controller like ms.evilcorp.org, can be a real game-changer. CME allows you to employ techniques such as pass-the-hash (-p password) to authenticate as a user with the hash of their password (p@ssw0rd), without needing the plaintext password.

Leveraging CME for Offensive and Defensive Purposes

CME is not just a tool for offensive security professionals. In the hands of a defensive team, CME can be used to simulate attacks on their own networks, thereby identifying vulnerabilities before they are exploited by actual attackers.

For instance, by understanding how CME can be used to execute a payload in memory (memory using), defensive teams can better prepare their networks to detect and prevent such attacks. This is essential for maintaining a robust security posture in an ever-evolving threat landscape.

Integrating CME with Other Tools and Frameworks

Integration is key in the world of cybersecurity, and CME excels in this area. Its ability to work alongside other tools, such as Metasploit, and its compatibility with RESTful APIs make it an invaluable component of any security toolkit.

For example, CME can automatically (cme automatically) generate payloads in an msfvenom style, making it easier to create and deploy custom exploits. This integration simplifies the process of developing and executing complex attack scenarios, allowing for more comprehensive security assessments.

In conclusion, CrackMapExec’s advanced features and modules provide a rich toolkit for both offensive and defensive cybersecurity practices. Whether you’re customizing modules to suit your network, exploiting Active Directory, or integrating CME with other tools, the possibilities for enhancing your cybersecurity capabilities are vast and varied. Remember, whether it’s self-improvement 101 or productivity 101, delving into these advanced features is a surefire way to elevate your skills and understanding of network security.

Alexander, a recognized cybersecurity expert, dedicates his efforts to Simplifying advanced aspects of cybersecurity for a broad audience. His insightful and captivating online courses, accompanied by his engaging writing, translate the sphere of technology into a subject that can be easily understood by everyone.

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